Voices of Victims - Previous News
2011 Accomplishments
Because of your support, so far this year Voices of Victims has been able to help 296 victims attend parole hearings by:
- Providing 52 hotel rooms
to 96 victims - Providing gas money
to 56 families - Providing rental cars to 7 families
- Providing airfare to bring 24 victims to Colorado from Arizona, California, Minnesota, North Dakota, Oregon, Texas, Utah and Washington
- Attending 58 hearings with victims providing them with 104 hours of advocacy and support
Your donations allow us to continue our work to support victims of violent crime. Your generosity can give a voice to those who otherwise may not be heard.
Please send your tax deductible donations to:
Voices of Victims 625 E. Evans Ave, Denver, CO 80210
or Click Here to donate online.
Joe & Kaye Cannata
Voices of Victims will celebrate its
3rd anniversary in January 2010
Your donations allow us to continue our work to support victims of violent crime. So far this year, we were able to . . .
- Provide hotel rooms to 36 victim families
- Provide meals to 38 victims
- Provide gas money to 25 victims
- Provide rental cars to 5 families
- Provide 111 hours of advocacy and support to victims by attending hearings with them
- Provide airfare to bring 13 victims to Colorado from Alaska, Nebraska, California, Indiana, Ohio, Florida and Louisiana
- We also drove 12 victims so that they could attend hearings in Denver, Sterling, Buena Vista and Canon City
. . . enabling them to attend and speak at 70 parole and half-way house hearings across the state.
Your generosity can give a voice to those who haven't been heard. Your donations allow us to continue our work to support victims of violent crime. Please Send your tax deductable donations to: VOICES OF VICTIMS, 625 E Evans Ave, Denver, CO 80210 or Click Here to donate online.
Thank you again for your generosity!
Joe Cannata, Executive Director
2008 Accomplishments
January 1, 2009
Thank you for your support!
Your donations allow us to continue our work to support victims of violent crime. So far this year, we were able to . . .
- Provide hotel rooms to 21 victim families
- Provide meals to 38 victims
- Provide gas money to 25 victims
- Provide rental cars to 3 families
- Provide advocacy and support to 61 victims by attending hearings with them
- Provide airfare and bus fare to bring 5 victims to Colorado from Alaska, Nebraska and Louisiana
. . . enabling them to attend and speak at 31 parole and half-way house hearings across the state.
We also drove 8 victims so that they could attend hearings in Denver, Sterling, Buena Vista, and Canon City.
Thank you again for your generosity!
Joe Cannata, Executive Director
2007 Accomplishments
December 1, 2007
Dear Friends,
Because of your caring we wanted to give you an update on what we accomplished this year. We were able to provide hotel rooms to 15 victim families, air fare from California for 1 victim, gasoline money to 2 victims, and car rental for 1 victim, enabling them to attend parole hearings across the state.
We accompanied 69 victims to 28 parole hearings, 34 victims to 16 half-way house hearings and 4 victims to re-sentencing hearings.
We also drove 7 victims to parole hearings in Sterling, Brush, Pueblo, and Canon City .
Your donations allow us to continue our work to support victims of violent crime. Thank you again for your generosity.
Joe Cannata, Executive Director
National Crime Victims Week Recognition

On Friday April 27, 2007, Joe Cannata was recognized for his continuing service to support victims of violent crime at a ceremony during National Crime Victims Week. During the ceremony, Denver District Attorney Mitch Morrissey presented Joe with the Denver District Attorney’s Civil Courage Award for his tireless efforts. Mitch stated he was proud of all the relentless work Joe has done over the years and also gave credit to Joe’s wife Kaye who was also in attendance.
Joe and Kaye have taken the tragedy they experienced and decided to use their experience to create a positive situation. Their pregnant daughter Lynn was stabbed to death on July 2, 1987 in front of her two year old son by Lawrence C. Garcia, her boyfriend at that time. It was a difficult time for the Cannatas and they learned on their own how to deal with the justice system. They noticed along their journey that there were gaps in the system. Being tireless as Mitch pointed out as one of Joe’s traits during the ceremony, Joe pursued the passage of three separate laws over the years since Lynn’s death and one law which requires violent offenders to serve at least 75% of their sentence was dubbed Lynn’s Law in memory of their daughter.
The Cannatas haven’t stopped and continue to champion victim’s rights. Most recently they established Voices of Victims where Joe is the Executive Director. This is a non-profit in the State of Colorado to exclusively provide post sentencing support to victims of violent crime. They have decided to sell their cleaning business of 31 years to devote themselves full time to this effort. For more information on Voices of Victims , please call 303-777-0112.
Published in the Parents of Murdered Children Newsletter, June-July 2007 issue